Make your own Leaf Man
Resources: Leaves, paper, glue,
Lots of children have been sharing their leaf play and discoveries with us. We hope you enjoyed our Leaf Man story read by Nicola, you can find it here-
Go for a walk and look for Autumn leaves and have a go at making your own Leaf Man, don't forget to ask your children some questions along the way. Below we have listen the criteria of learning development this activity meets.
- What does Leaf Man look like?
- Who will you make?
- What will you need?
- What could you use to make their face?
Intent – Learning Goals
Moving and Handling
22-36 months
- Shows control in holding and using jugs to pour, hammers, books and mark-making tools.
- Beginning to use three fingers
30-50 months
- Uses one-handed tools and equipment
40-60 months
- Uses simple tools to effect changes to materials.
- Handles tools, objects, construction and malleable materials safely and with increasing control.
22-36 months
- Has some favourite stories, rhymes, songs, poems or jingles
30-50 months
- Describes main story settings, events and principal characters.
- Shows interest in illustrations and print in books and print in the environment.
40-60 months
- Uses vocabulary and forms of speech that are increasingly influenced by their experiences of books.
- Enjoys an increasing range of books.
Being Imaginative
22-36 months
- Beginning to use representation to communicate, e.g. drawing a line and saying ‘That’s me.’
30-50 months
- Captures experiences and responses with a range of media, such as music, dance and paint and other materials or words.
40-60 months
- Create simple representations of events, people and objects.
Exploring and using media and materials
30-50 months
- Joins construction pieces together to build and balance.
- Realises tools can be used for a purpose.
40-60 months
- Understands that different media can be combined to create new effects.
- Manipulates materials to achieve a planned effect.
- Constructs with a purpose in mind, using a variety of resources.
- Uses simple tools and techniques competently and appropriately.
- Selects appropriate resources and adapts work where necessary.
- Selects tools and techniques needed to shape, assemble and join materials they are using.
Spring Colour Hunt
Resources: Pens or paints, paper/card, glue and natural loose parts
Paint some colours or a rainbow onto paper, see how many natural items you can find outdoors to match the colours, then stick them to the matching colour. There are some beautiful spring colours to find at the moment.
What colours do you have to use?
What colour would you like to have?
What colours could you mix to make this colour?
What colours did you find?
What colour items did you find the most of?
What else can you see in the environment that are these colours?
Intent – Learning Goals
Expressive Arts and Designs – Exploring and using media and materials
22-36 months
- Experiments with blocks, colours and marks.
30-50 months
- Explores colour and how colours can be changed
- Explores what happens when they mix colours
Understanding the World – The world
22-36 months
- Notices detailed features of objects in their environment.
30-50 months
- Comments and asks questions about aspects of their familiar
- world such as the place where they live or the natural world.
- Can talk about some of the things they have observed such as plants, animals, natural and found objects.
- Developing an understanding of growth, decay and changes over time.
40-60 months
- Looks closely at similarities, differences, patterns and change.
Leaf Weaving
Resources – sticks, leaves and string
This activity needs a lot of focus, time and adult support when needed, but is a great activity to encourage concentration and fine motor control. It can be made simpler with less string to thread through.
Make a square with the sticks and string, then tie lengths of string across to weave the leaves through. There are lots of leaves around of varying colours to make colour patterns, what do you observe when you look through it at the sun?
Intent – Learning Goals
Characteristics of Effective Learning
Being involved and concentrating
- Maintaining focus on their activity for a period of time
- Showing high levels of energy, fascination
- Not easily distracted
- Paying attention to details
- Finding ways to solve problems
- Finding new ways to do things
Keeping on trying
- Persisting with activity when challenges occur
- Showing a belief that more effort or a different approach will pay off
- Bouncing back after difficulties
Enjoying achieving what they set out to do
- Showing satisfaction in meeting their own goals
- Being proud of how they accomplished something – not just the end result
- Enjoying meeting challenges for their own sake rather than external rewards or praise
Making links
- Making links and noticing patterns in their experience
- Making predictions
- Testing their ideas
- Developing ideas of grouping, sequences, cause and effect
Choosing ways to do things
- Planning, making decisions about how to approach a task, solve a problem and reach a goal
- Checking how well their activities are going
- Changing strategy as needed
- Reviewing how well the approach worked
Finding out and exploring
- Showing curiosity about objects, events and people
- Using senses to explore the world around them
- Showing particular interests
Being willing to ‘have a go’
- Seeking challenge
- Showing a ‘can do’ attitude
- Taking a risk, engaging in new experiences, and learning by trial and error
Stick and Stone Balancing Activity
Resources – Sticks, a stone and a bowl
Use your problem solving and fine motor skills to lay your sticks out and balance the stone so it doesn’t fall through into the bowl. As a challenge limit the amount of sticks and use a smaller stone!
Intent – Learning goals
Characteristics of Effective Learning
Playing and Exploring –
Being willing to ‘have a go’
- Initiating activities
- Seeking challenge
- Showing a ‘can do’ attitude
- Taking a risk, engaging in new experiences, and learning by trial and error
Active Learning –
Being involved and concentrating
- Maintaining focus on their activity for a period of time
- Showing high levels of energy, fascination
- Not easily distracted
- Paying attention to details
Keeping on trying
- Persisting with activity when challenges occur
- Showing a belief that more effort or a different approach will pay off
- Bouncing back after difficulties
Enjoying achieving what they set out to do
- Showing satisfaction in meeting their own goals
- Being proud of how they accomplished something – not just the end result
- Enjoying meeting challenges for their own sake rather than external rewards or praise
Creating and Thinking Critically
Having their own ideas
- Thinking of ideas
- Finding ways to solve problems
- Finding new ways to do things
Making links
- Making predictions
- Testing their ideas
Choosing ways to do things
- Planning, making decisions about how to approach a task, solve a problem and reach a goal
- Checking how well their activities are going
- Changing strategy as needed
- Reviewing how well the approach worked
Stone Trajectory
Throwing stones can be a great learning experience but remember to always make sure you have enough space around you so you don’t hit anyone or anything else!
Place a bucket a short distance away from you and see if you can gently throw the stone underhand into the bucket. If this becomes easy for you then start to move the bucket a little further away. You can count how many stones you get into the bucket or you could number the stones and throw them in in order. As an extension you could have two buckets and share the stones equally between them.
Intent- Learning Goals
Trajectory Schema is an interest in lines and movement. This is a nice way to say your child keeps throwing things around the room or repeatedly dropping food from their highchair. Small babies begin to work on this schema when they track movement with their eyes and reach in front of them to grasp objects. They soon move on to dropping and posting items as they discover the world around them and how they can influence it. Toddlers exploring this path of development will favour activities that involve throwing objects
A great way to support this schema is to set up opportunities for posting and throwing.
- Cut holes in a cardboard box and let your little one post balls and toys into the holes.
- Set up different sized cardboard tubes for your child to post pompoms or cotton balls into.
- Give your child a variety of different object to throw or drop from a height and listen to the sounds they make when they land.
- Make ‘targets’ by drawing out circles on the ground outdoors or using buckets. Allow your child to throw toys, balls or even stones to hit the targets. This is a great exercise to work on their gross motor skills and get some of the throwing urges out of their system. Just make sure you move any breakables!
Physical Development – Moving and Handling
- Talk with children about the need to match their actions to the space they are in.
- Show children how to collaborate in throwing, rolling, fetching and receiving games
- Explain why safety is an important factor in handling tools, equipment and materials, and have sensible rules for everybody to follow.
22-36 months
- May be beginning to show preference for dominant hand.
40-60 months
- Shows increasing control over an object in pushing, patting, throwing, catching or kicking it.
Maths - Numbers
30-50 months
- Uses some number names accurately in play.
- Recites numbers in order to 10.
- Knows that numbers identify how many objects are in a set.
- Compares two groups of objects, saying when they have the same number.
40-60 months
- Recognises numerals 1 to 5+
- Counts objects to 10, and beginning to count beyond 10.
How did this activity go? Please use this space to record any findings, adaptions, reflections and quotes from your children. We would love you to email them back to us or share them on Tapestry, Instagram or Facebook.
Feelings Stones
Resources: Stones, pens/paint
For the body- Clay, mud, play dough or sticks
In these unprecedented times we are all aware how important it is to be extra aware and look after our well being. Your children could use play dough to make a body and parents or children could draw pictures of a range of emotions on stones, so then each day your child can choose how they are feeling and talk about that emotion and the reasons why.
Intent- Learning Goals
Personal Social and Emotional Development – Managing feelings and behaviour
22-36 months
- Can express their own feelings such as sad, happy, cross,scared, worried.
30-50 months
- Aware of own feelings, and knows that some actions and words can hurt others’ feelings.
Personal Social and Emotional Development – Self confidence and self awaremess
22-36 months
- Expresses own preferences and interests.
30-50 months
- Can select and use activities and resources with help.
- Welcomes and values praise for what they have done.
- Enjoys responsibility of carrying out small tasks.
- Shows confidence in asking adults for help.
40-60 months
- Confident to speak to others about own needs, wants, interests and opinions.
- Can describe self in positive terms and talk about abilities.
Communication and Language – Speaking
22-36 months
- Uses language as a powerful means of widening contacts, sharing feelings, experiences and thoughts.
40-60 months
- Uses talk to organise, sequence and clarify thinking, ideas, feelings and events.
How did this activity go? Please use this space to record any findings, adaptions, reflections and quotes from your children. We would love you to email them back to us or share them on Tapestry, Instagram or Facebook.
Matching Quantity to Numerals
Resources: Stones, pens, numbers
Collect up all those stones you find on your walks and match them to the numbers. You can write the numbers on a piece of paper or use any numbers you have. As an extension you could continue to 20.
Intent- Learning Goals
Maths - Numbers
30-50 months
Recites numbers in order to 10.
- Knows that numbers identify how many objects are in a set.
- Beginning to represent numbers using fingers, marks on paper
or pictures.
- Sometimes matches numeral and quantity correctly.
- Shows an interest in number problems.
- Shows an interest in representing numbers.
- Recognise some numerals of personal significance.
- Recognises numerals 1 to 5+
- Counts up to three or four objects by saying one number name for each item.
- Counts objects to 10, and beginning to count beyond 10.
- Counts out up to six objects from a larger group
How did this activity go? Please use this space to record any findings, adaptions, reflections and quotes from your children. We would love you to email them back to us or share them on Tapestry, Instagram or Facebook.
Letter Stones Activity
Resources- Stones, Pens or paint
Go on a scavenger hunt in the beautiful sunshine for more stones. Children can practise their name by matching the letter stones to a written name card. If they already know how to form their name they can make it with the stones independently. The stones can be further used to make other names your children may know such as mummy or daddy, or a sibling’s name or even a favourite story character’s name copied from a book, e.g. Stick Man or Stanley! You could muddle up some familiar names or words for your child to form correctly. Your children may be able to copy or independently form other familiar or significant words and simple sentences using the stones, or even order the stones alphabetically.
Intent- Learning Goals
Literacy – Reading
- Recognises familiar words and signs such as own name and advertising logos.
- Hears and says the initial sound in words.
- Links sounds to letters, naming and sounding the letters of the alphabet.
- Begins to read words and simple sentences
Literacy – Writing
- Uses some clearly identifiable letters to communicate meaning, representing some sounds correctly and in sequence.
- Writes own name and other things such as labels and captions.
- Attempts to write short sentences in meaningful contexts.
Please use this space to record any findings, adaptions, reflections and quotes from your children. We would love you to email them back to us or share them on Tapestry.
Activity 6- Easter Stone Hunt
Resources: Stones, paint, pens
As we don’t want to waste our eggs or have to buy a lot of chocolate at this time, why not find some large stones on a scavenger hunt and decorate them. If you don’t have pens or paint you could make berry, beetroot, paprika, turmeric and many other natural paint colours to use. If your pens or paints are limited you could just number the stones and challenge your children to find, identify and order the stones to their individual ability.
Intent- Learning Goals
Understanding the World – People and Communities
22-36 months
- Learns that they have similarities and differences that connect
them to, and distinguish them from, others.
30-50 months
- Knows some of the things that make them unique, and can
talk about some of the similarities and differences in relation to
friends or family.
40-60 months
- Enjoys joining in with family customs and routines.
Maths – Numbers
40-60 months
- Recognises numerals 1 to 5+
Physical Development – Moving and Handling
22-36 months
- Shows control in holding and using jugs to pour, hammers,
books and mark-making tools.
- May be beginning to show preference for dominant hand.
30-50 months
- Holds pencil between thumb and two fingers, no longer using whole-hand grasp.
- Holds pencil near point between first two fingers and thumb and uses it with good control.
40-60 months
- Shows a preference for a dominant hand.
- Begins to use anticlockwise movement and retrace vertical lines.
- Uses a pencil and holds it effectively
Please use this space to record any findings, adaptions, reflections and quotes from your children. We would love you to email them back to us or share them on Tapestry.
Activity 5- Stick Models
Resources: Sticks and home made play dough or messy but fun naturally sourced mud or clay.
Easy make at home play dough recipe:
To extend on your 2D stick shapes, have a go making 3D shapes or models using your sticks and playdough/mud to hold them together.
You may have your own ideas of what works best for you
that you can also share with us.
What would you like your model to look like?
What you will use?
How will you? What else might work? What could you do differently?
What could you add? What does it remind you of?
Can you tell me about your model?
Characteristics of Effective Learning – Creating and Thinking Critically
Having their own ideas
- Thinking of ideas
- Finding ways to solve problems
- Finding new ways to do things
Making links
- Making links and noticing patterns in their experience
- Making predictions
- Testing their ideas
- Developing ideas of grouping, sequences, cause and effect
Choosing ways to do things
- Planning, making decisions about how to approach a task,solve a problem and reach a goal
- Checking how well their activities are going
- Changing strategy as needed
- Reviewing how well the approach worked
Maths – Shape Space and Measure
22-36 months
- Notices simple shapes and patterns in pictures.
30-50 months
- Shows an interest in shape and space by playing with shapes or making arrangements with objects.
- Uses positional language.
- Shows interest in shape by sustained construction activity or by talking about shapes or arrangements.
- Uses shapes appropriately for tasks.
40-60 months
- Beginning to use mathematical names for ‘solid’ 3D shapes and ‘flat’ 2D shapes, and mathematical terms to describe shapes.
- Uses familiar objects and common shapes to create and recreate patterns and build models.
Expressive Arts and Design – Exploring using Media and Materials
30-50 months
- Uses various construction materials.
- Beginning to construct, stacking blocks vertically and horizontally, making enclosures and creating spaces.
- Joins construction pieces together to build and balance.
40-60 months
- Understands that different media can be combined to create new effects.
- Manipulates materials to achieve a planned effect.
- Constructs with a purpose in mind, using a variety of resources.
- Selects appropriate resources and adapts work where necessary.
- Selects tools and techniques needed to shape, assemble and join materials they are using.
Please use this space to record any findings, adaptions, reflections and quotes from your children. We would love you to email them back to us or share them on Tapestry.