Spring Colour Hunt
Resources: Pens or paints, paper/card, glue and natural loose parts

Paint some colours or a rainbow onto paper, see how many natural items you can find outdoors to match the colours, then stick them to the matching colour. There are some beautiful spring colours to find at the moment.
What colours do you have to use?
What colour would you like to have?
What colours could you mix to make this colour?
What colours did you find?
What colour items did you find the most of?
What else can you see in the environment that are these colours?
Intent – Learning Goals
Expressive Arts and Designs – Exploring and using media and materials
22-36 months
- Experiments with blocks, colours and marks.
30-50 months
- Explores colour and how colours can be changed
- Explores what happens when they mix colours
Understanding the World – The world
22-36 months
- Notices detailed features of objects in their environment.
30-50 months
- Comments and asks questions about aspects of their familiar
- world such as the place where they live or the natural world.
- Can talk about some of the things they have observed such as plants, animals, natural and found objects.
- Developing an understanding of growth, decay and changes over time.
40-60 months
- Looks closely at similarities, differences, patterns and change.