Our Baby Rooms
Where it all begins…
For most of our parents, this will be the first time away from their little ones. It is our aim across both of our baby rooms to ensure this experience is as smooth as possible.
Our cosy, creative and nurturing baby rooms, The Hedgehog Room and The Butterflies room will work closely with parents or carers to welcome them into our community and to adapt to home schedules, easing them in with sessions.
Our Reggio Emilia ethos is evident through out our whole nursery, and just like the other rooms our babies are indeed the centre of their own learning. When creating our baby room’s our aim was to create a nurturing adaptable environment to support their growth and learning and each stage of development.
The space, the resources and the staff are all there to create a home away from home, a fun, creative, musical space to stimulate them as they navigate through their first year.
Loose parts display them selves a little differently here, we have safe larger loose parts such as wheels, tubes, large pine cones, cable reels. The room layout and resources change from week to week to mirror the children’s interests.
We will go into the key person and settling in process in more detail in our next blog, but for now, let us introduce you to our two baby rooms.
The Hedgehog Room
Lead by Tara, with Sophie as deputy, the Hedgehog room is sectioned into 2 parts. Part one has a large floor space where materials and art supplies are brought in daily for messy play and creativity. From hand painting, to gloop, to sand, ice, bubbles, cardboard boxes, no two days are the same when it comes to the resources in this area.
There is a loose part area, a small world area, pots and pans, puppets and a large round table for meal times accompanied by high chairs.
Part two is a carpeted movement area with mirrors, projectors, cushions and a large climbing frame, bridge and slide, where the children sleep.
The Butterflies Room
Lead by Becki, our second baby room is joined to the Hedgehogs Room via the shared nappy room that has recently been painted with an under the sea theme by our Atelierista. Like The Hedgehogs room, The Butterflies room as the area for creativity and a carpet area for movement and play, as well as constantly changing natural resources. There is also a darkened sensory room filled with lights and glowing artefacts.
Outdoor play is of equal importance to indoor play and the Baby rooms are no exception. Our outdoor spaces are an extension of their rooms, with opportunities to explore a mud kitchen, bikes and beds of lavender for additional sensory play. By having a big emphasis on outdoor play we help prepare the children for forest school and outdoor learning as they move up to the next rooms. This week the baby room went on a trip to the forest, where they noticed a new interest in mark making in the mud with sticks.
With a focus on nurturing your baby through those first months, our focus is on settling you and your baby, ensuring that you are both happy and well cared for. Close relationships are formed making the transition from home to nursery smooth with you feeling supported and your baby comforted and loved.
If you want to know more about our baby rooms or are interested in enrolling please get in touch https://inspirationsnurseries.co.uk/contact-us/