Aspire to Care


Challenge yourself, make a difference and build a career. We believe in finding good people and training them, to develop successful and happy childcare professionals.

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Current Vacancies


Deputy room leader, 40 hours over 4 days, level 3- £12.85

Educator, level 3. 26.5 hours over 3 days Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday £12.25

Level 2/3 educator for toddlers- 40 hours a week- maternity cover


Level 2 or 3 -10 hours a week, Fridays. Could look at more hours if needed

Full time apprentice or UQ member of staff (UQ 11.44 app- £7.44)

Preschool manager- 16 hours a week, Wednesdays and Thursday. Maternity cover


All rooms- morning cover where needed. 7:30 start. Maternity leave

Office based

20 hours a week office administrator

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