Nursery Bag- What to Pack?
Up until now the only baby bag you’ve needed is your maternity bag filled with nappies, snacks and one of everything to cover all eventualities. But when it comes to starting nursery your baby will need their own bag to bring with them each day. It’s that first possession that belongs to them, the start of being independent. So let’s make this transition as easy as possible and give you a check list to make sure you’re not forgetting anything in that all important nursery bag.
What to pack?
Every room requires something a little different, and we know there can be a lot to remember so here’s a broken down list of everything you’ll need in your child’s nursery bag for each room.
Our Baby Rooms- Hedgehogs and Butterflies
- Bottle and Formula (we provide milk from 1 year old)
- Comforter e.g Dummy
- Sleep Sack (if needed)
- Waterproof coat or suit suitable for all conditions (We do have some waterproof trousers but for none walkers in particular padded suits are ideal)
- At least 2 sets of spare clothes and socks
- Spare bibs
- Appropriate/supportive footwear
- Wellies
Our Toddler Room- Honeybees
- At least 2 sets of spare clothes and socks
- A warm waterproof coat
- Water bottle
- Waterproof Trousers
- Wellies
- Spare Hat and Gloves
We have the blue salopettes, hats and gloves on site for all the children but it’s always good to pack spares.
Our Pre-School Room- Ladybirds
- A water Bottle
- At least 2 spares of every item of clothing and socks
- Thick warm socks for Forest School
- Wellies
For Pre-school we provide a waterproof coat, salopettes, hats and gloves. We also request that your pre-school child is brought to nursery ready in their salopettes to speed up the transition time in the morning.
‘Take care of the little things and the big things fall into place’.
