Make your own Leaf Man
Resources: Leaves, paper, glue,
Lots of children have been sharing their leaf play and discoveries with us. We hope you enjoyed our Leaf Man story read by Nicola, you can find it here-
Go for a walk and look for Autumn leaves and have a go at making your own Leaf Man, don’t forget to ask your children some questions along the way. Below we have listen the criteria of learning development this activity meets.
- What does Leaf Man look like?
- Who will you make?
- What will you need?
- What could you use to make their face?
Intent – Learning Goals
Moving and Handling
22-36 months
- Shows control in holding and using jugs to pour, hammers, books and mark-making tools.
- Beginning to use three fingers
30-50 months
- Uses one-handed tools and equipment
40-60 months
- Uses simple tools to effect changes to materials.
- Handles tools, objects, construction and malleable materials safely and with increasing control.
22-36 months
- Has some favourite stories, rhymes, songs, poems or jingles
30-50 months
- Describes main story settings, events and principal characters.
- Shows interest in illustrations and print in books and print in the environment.
40-60 months
- Uses vocabulary and forms of speech that are increasingly influenced by their experiences of books.
- Enjoys an increasing range of books.
Being Imaginative
22-36 months
- Beginning to use representation to communicate, e.g. drawing a line and saying ‘That’s me.’
30-50 months
- Captures experiences and responses with a range of media, such as music, dance and paint and other materials or words.
40-60 months
- Create simple representations of events, people and objects.
Exploring and using media and materials
30-50 months
- Joins construction pieces together to build and balance.
- Realises tools can be used for a purpose.
40-60 months
- Understands that different media can be combined to create new effects.
- Manipulates materials to achieve a planned effect.
- Constructs with a purpose in mind, using a variety of resources.
- Uses simple tools and techniques competently and appropriately.
- Selects appropriate resources and adapts work where necessary.
- Selects tools and techniques needed to shape, assemble and join materials they are using.