Home School Activity 3- Make Your Own Stick Man
Resources: Sticks
Use the different sized sticks you’ve collected to make a Stick Man.
How will you join them together?
What could you use for his eyes?
Take a photograph of your Stick Man and share it with us!
Intent- Learning Objectives
Moving and Handling
22-36 months
- Shows control in holding and using jugs to pour, hammers, books and mark-making tools.
- Beginning to use three fingers
30-50 months
- Uses one-handed tools and equipment
40-60 months
- Uses simple tools to effect changes to materials.• Handles tools, objects, construction and malleable materials safely and with increasing control.
22-36 months
- Has some favourite stories, rhymes, songs, poems or jingles
30-50 months
- Describes main story settings, events and principal characters.• Shows interest in illustrations and print in books and print in the environment.
40-60 months
- Uses vocabulary and forms of speech that are increasingly influenced by their experiences of books.• Enjoys an increasing range of books.
Being Imaginative
22-36 months
- Beginning to use representation to communicate, e.g. drawing a line and saying ‘That’s me.’
30-50 months
- Captures experiences and responses with a range of media, such as music, dance and paint and other materials or words.
40-60 months
- Creates simple representations of events, people and objects.
Exploring and using media and materials
30-50 months
- Joins construction pieces together to build and balance.• Realises tools can be used for a purpose.
40-60 months
- Understands that different media can be combined to create new effects. • Manipulates materials to achieve a planned effect.• Constructs with a purpose in mind, using a variety of resources.• Uses simple tools and techniques competently and appropriately.• Selects appropriate resources and adapts work where necessary.• Selects tools and techniques needed to shape, assemble andjoin materials they are using.
30-50 months
- Knows how to operate simple equipment, e.g. turns on CD player and uses remote control
How did this activity go? Please use this space to record any findings, adaptions, reflections and quotes from your children. We would love you to email them back to us or share them on Tapestry, Instagram or Facebook.