Home School Activity 2: Sticks

Resources: Sticks


We see a lot of you found sticks during your scavenger hunt, so using these sticks, encourage your children to look at the sizes of them and ask what they can see.

Support them if necessary to place the sticks into size order using mathematical language of size and length, long, short, biggest, smallest, medium etc.

Extension – using a stone, hands, Lego or what your child believes would be appropriate, (trial and error and problem solving) you could measure the sticks and record your findings with any representation suitable with your child’s ability, such as drawing pictures, taking photographs, writing digits.

Intent– Learning Objectives-

Here’s what your children will get out of this activity, within their age brackets.

Maths- Shape, Space and Measure

22-36 months

  • Beginning to categorise objects according to properties such as shape or size.
  • Begins to use the language of size


  • Uses positional language.

40-60 months

  • Orders two or three items by length or height

PSED – Personal, Social, Emotional Development

30-50 months

  • Can select and use activities and resources with help.
  • Welcomes and values praise for what they have done.
  • Enjoys responsibility of carrying out small tasks.
  • Shows confidence in asking adults for help.

40-60 months

  • Confident to speak to others about own needs, wants, interests and opinions.
  • Can describe self in positive terms and talk about abilities.

 Impact Please use this space (or a sheet of paper) to record any findings, adaptions, reflections and quotes from your children. We would love you to email them back to us or share them on Tapestry.

Happy Measuring.

The VIN Team (Virtual Inspirations Nursery)