The Five Big Questions – Part One
After recently announcing her 5 big questions survey, Inspirations has decided to take a closer look at what exactly the Duchess of Cambridge is interested in finding out. Starting with question one:
We are offered the four options below and asked to put into priority order.
- Good physical and mental health
- Good friendships and relationships
- Access to opportunities
- Access to a good education
I found it tricky to prioritise these categories, as here at Inspirations we view each point as being an equally important factor in raising a healthy happy child. Much thought has gone into how Inspirations operates in order to successfully cover these four areas.
Physical and Mental Health
Our outdoor learning environment and forest school ethos naturally promotes good physical and mental health. Children with spaces for running around and climbing trees naturally develop muscle strength, aerobic fitness, and better coordination. A Scottish study found activity levels were 2.2 times higher in a typical Forest School day than during a school day that included PE lessons. Not to mention that as parents we love our children to get plenty of healthy fresh air which our location offers in abundance, set a fair way from any roads and surrounded by country fields and a section of the wooded Leeds Way.
Friendships and Relationships
Playing alongside our children every day are of course their friends. Friendships in the early years are so important to our developing children, they help them build self-confidence, develop their social and emotional skills and their understanding of the world around them. Sometimes of course, children struggle to mediate their emotions and play can quickly turn to squabbling and tears. It is then that our expert educators’ step in and support our children in understanding their emotions and help support them to make the right choices.
Access to Opportunities
Its safe to say that Inspirations children have an abundance of opportunities on offer! Daily forest school sessions, an art studio compete with art teacher, an array of fabulous loose parts and open-ended resources and the freedom to choose where and what they do with their day!
A Good Education
At Inspirations we pride ourselves on getting our children ‘school ready’. With our experienced educators we spend much of our time planning for your child’s education and learning journey. We observe their interests and extend on that incorporating numeracy, literacy, science and anything else we can cram in for their eager sponge like brains! Throughout their time with us we will track their development and ensure they are on track for the best possible start on their journey to being happy adults.
If you decide to take the survey which would you prioritise as being your number one important factor for developing into a happy adult?
Next week look out for my blog on question two, who is primarily responsible for a child’s health and happiness?